Updated on September 1, 2022

The following Privacy Policy prescribes the procedure for how INNTESO LIMITED SIA collects and processes your personal information obtained by us while you use our website https://www.egnarosounds.com (the "Website"), as well as outlines the legitimate interests and the basis for doing so. Please read this Policy carefully.


1.1 Data collected for and during the processing of orders

To process your order(s), to communicate with you regarding the order (in the event of any issues with the delivery of the items) and to meet our contractual obligations to you, we collect your name (first name and last name), e-mail address, telephone number and address. Acceptance of the handling of the above mentioned personal data is a prerequisite of becoming a customer. INNTESO LIMITED SIA will only keep your information as long as you are a customer of the company and for another 36 months for the above specified purposes. Thereafter they will be saved in accordance with provisions arising from national legal acts. After this time has passed, your personal information will be deleted. When paying via the Website, you need to provide further information, such as debit or credit card information. We use third party payment providers in order to process payments. The payment providers are data controllers for the processing of your personal data in relation to orders. For security purposes we store the IP address. In order to handle any issues that might arise in relation to the delivered products and for accounting purposes, we keep information regarding your order and transaction, including any support emails.

1.2 Data from using the Website and newsletters

On condition of your consent, we may also process personal data such as your name and e-mail address you provided when paying at the checkout, when reviewing a product or signing up for our newsletter. Reviews are kept until further notice. We send our newsletter to customers unless and when they unsubscribe from such communication. We also collect data regarding visitor statistics, including content and pages visited, the referring website and searches made on our Website. We use the data to develop, test and continuously improve our Website, as well as to personalize user and shopping experience. We do not collect full IP addresses for marketing purposes – the collected data cannot be used to identify you. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect statistical information. You consent to our use of cookies by enabling cookies in your web browser and using our Website.

1.3 Survey and direct marketing data

If you have consented to this, we may process your e-mail address to send you direct marketing information to inform you about offers of our products and services. We may also process information regarding your order history, order value, payment method used and from which country you accessed our Website to send you relevant and tailored offers via e-mail and similar means of electronic communication. You have the right to refuse our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes by de-registering from future communications from us. To pursue our legitimate interest of finding out our customers` opinion of us and our products, we may process your name, e-mail address and order history to carry out customer surveys. The individual results of the surveys are only retained during the time period that it takes for us to compile the result on an aggregated level, and they are deleted afterwards. The aggregated information is retained until further notice.

1.4 Date relevant for statistics and business development

For statistical purposes, we may process your personal data, including location, purchased product categories and information regarding payment method, for example, to identify how many individuals in a certain age range have purchased a specific product. This statistical information may be then used for business development purposes and for optimising our product portfolio. We have a legitimate interest of continuously improving our business and providing new products, and the processing of your personal data is necessary to accomplish this.


2.1 Third party payment providers

Your personal information might be handled by a so-called data processor that helps in our communication with you. The data processor will only handle your personal information in accordance with the guidelines for which it was collected. We use third party payment providers to handle payments via our Website. In order to process the order and for the performance of the agreement between you and us, we will disclose to the third-party payment provider information regarding your name, address, order information, and debit or credit card information and the device used for the purchase. The payment providers are data controllers for their own processing of your personal data in order to process payments.

2.2 Delivery and storage partners and other third party service providers

In order to handle orders, we use third party delivery service and storage partners. For the purposes of administering the order and to meet our contractual obligations to you, we share your personal data, including your name, address and telephone number in addition to order information with our delivery and storage partners. Moreover, we may involve additional third-party service providers not mentioned in this section, for example, to carry out customer surveys and to send tailored offers. The third party service providers we engage are contractually obligated to only process your personal data in accordance with our strict instructions and may not use your data for their own purposes. They are obligated to implement technical and organizational security measures to protect and safeguard your personal data.

2.3 Other third parties

Way process and disclose the personal data to third parties other than those indicated above in order to pursue our legitimate interests to comply with applicable regulations and regulatory requests or relevant orders from competent courts and public authorities, as well as to establish, exercise and defend legal claims. In the event of a merger with another company or a transfer of assets, we may legitimately disclose your personal data to third parties.


You have the right to request access to the personal data that we store about you. You also have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data is corrected (Right to rectification – Article 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR). You have the right, to the extent data processing is based on your consent, to revoke your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time. If you think that you might have any issues regarding our processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us. You also have the right to submit a complaint with your local Data Inspection Board. You also have, to the extent the provisions of applicable data protection legislation including GDPR provide for, the right to have your personal data erased, have its processing restricted, to object to certain processing and the right to data portability. The right to data portability applies to such personal data that you have provided to us and which we process either based on your consent or in order to meet our contractual obligations in relation to you. This typically includes your name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, order information and order history. It may also include product reviews that you have posted on the Website and survey results.


Consequently, in connection with a purchase, your personal data may be transferred outside the EU/EEA to countries which do not have the same level of protection for personal data as countries within the EU/EEA. In order to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected, we ensure that there are appropriate safeguards in place by means of data transfer agreements which include standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission. You have the right to receive a copy of the clauses by contacting us using the contact details indicated below, as per Article 13 of GDPR.


If we amend the present Privacy Policy, we will notify you. We advise you to keep yourself up to date with our Privacy Policy when visiting our site.


If you have any questions or concerns related to how we process personal data, please contact us using the contact details.